What We Have Done So Far (an update)

Hello again Fellow Delegates and Alumnus!

Months of recruiting and training, we can not believe we have done a lot of things (and achieved some). Here are some of them:

1. It is less than a month before HNMUN 2011 Delegation take of to Boston. Yeay! FYI, we have two beautiful Faculty Adviser, Marsha Claresta (Accounting 2007) and Clarissa Abiwijaya (Law 2006). While Head Delegate position filled by Ms. Nuraningrum (Accounting 2007) who has a lot of experience in leading bunch of smart people. She was the President of Accounting Student Union year 2009-2010.

2. Tough it is still a couple months before WorldMUN 2011 Delegation rock Singapore, we already practice a lot in mini MUN session and Tari Merak. Yes, we will present Tari Merak at WorldMUN 2011 Global Village :) Also the delegates are directed by Haikal Ananta (Economics Study 2006) and Nindita Humaira (Accounting 2006) helped by Mexind Suko Utomo (France Literature 2007) as Head Delegate who also selected as one of participant in Conseil d'Etat du Second Empire- French Speaking Special Committee in WolrdMUN 2011.

3. Joint Training of HNMUN and WorldMUN had been held on Saturday, January 8th, 2011. It was a blast and everyone had so much fun. Delegates learned a lot from Alumnus and Trainers and also from another MUN delegates.

4. WorldMUN Hearing Session with PRIII. We promised to bring Indonesian Culture and impact of AIDS on psychological issues in social event and formal session, especially in WHO Committee.
So far that was it. We hope we can give you more very soon! Have a nice day :)

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